Millionaire Mindset Day Two

millionaire mindset challenge Jan 18, 2023

Hiii gorgeous!

Good morning and welcome to Day TWO of the Millionaire Mindset Challenge!!! 

Today we’re focusing on something both controversial and extremely challenging…. BOUNDARIES.

Before we get into it, I need you to repeat after me.


Now say it again.

I know what it's like to try and please everyone AND their mother. Here's the truth babe... YOU CAN'T!🥸

Every time you stay late, skip that break you promised yourself or that movie night you promised your child you are CROSSING a boundary. Sometimes we tell ourselves that it's "only this one time" etc. then before you know it you're staying late every Wednesday night at the salon and taking extra clients all because you were trying to accommodate one person's schedule over your own.

Well it’s time to get real… You’re not working your ass off so you can sit here, doing things you don’t want to do, letting resentment build. That hurts you, and eventually that bitterness will become visible to others


It doesn’t have to be that way. You can communicate your boundaries clearly but calmly, and save yourself alllll that stress before it even happens. You deserve to be treated well, but only YOU get to determine your standards, and if you don’t uphold them, nobody will!🙃

Soooo without waiting any longer, LET’S GET YOU SOME BOUNDARIES!

Of course, everyone struggles with different challenges, so here’s a couple ideas from separate aspects of life… Your challenge today is to set at least one boundary. It can be one from the list below, or one you know you just neeeeed in your life.


  • Taking time to respond
  •  Not checking or answering emails after business hours and on the weekends - send the following day during business hours. 


  • Not scrolling on social media first thing when you wake up or right before bed & not looking at emails first thing 
  • Setting time limits for your social media usage in the settings of your phone & displaying on a home screen widget


  • Respecting your hours of operation & not booking outside of them 
  • No haggle pricing, your price is your price it's not a garage sale :) 
  • Letting go clients who you don't enjoy servicing (i.e the negative nancy's or the gossiping ones who aren't kind or positive) 
  • Directing them to call the salon/book online in lieu of you

When you’re done, feel free to respond to me what you’re doing, or if it’s something you’re comfortable with, share it to your story (to hold yourself accountable - that’s the important part.)

Whatever the boundary, just make sure it’s communicated clearly and calmly.🫶

You’re one step closer to demanding the life you deserve… How does it feel babe?

See you tomorrow for another day!

xoxo, Rachel Paige

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