Celebrating this week's wins!
Nov 16, 2022We’ve had a SUPER exciting week, and I just wanted to take a moment to recognize some of our clients’ personal wins, cause lemme tell you babe… These girls have been working their asses off and there’s nothing that makes me prouder.🥲
For the sake of their privacy, I won’t share names, buuuut without further ado…
- Client 1 - Boosted monthly social media and website viewers by the THOUSANDS, and expanded clientele through implementation of a marketing strategy that isn’t eating up her personal time.
- Client 2 - Generated over $1 million in salon revenue for the first time ever, and is investing that profit into building out her second location, completely debt free.💸
- Client 3 - Transformed her workspace from a single chair suite, to a double, to a full size salon, then filled that salon with a staff of dedicated stylists, all in less than a year.
I’m so excited for them I can barely stand it, and I’m ready and waiting to make these changes happen for YOU!🫶
The first step (getting started) is always the hardest, but I believe in you! I’ve trained my team to make these first steps as easy as possible for you, cause I know how overwhelming salon owner life can be.
If you haven’t filled out this quiz to match you with the correct growth assets for your salon, I hiiighly recommend it. I’ve built it out to provide you with an exact match for the best pathway for YOU, nobody else - I’m well aware this isn’t a one size fits all type of thing. It’s free, no strings attached, just an informational source, cause I’ve been there, and I know how directionless this shit can feel.
If you’re wanting more info, having questions, or even want someone to cheer you on through a recent success/commiserate a current struggle, I’m HERE FOR YOU.
Hope to hear from you soon babe.💖
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