It's Time to Master Your Salon's Finances

finances Jul 25, 2023

If you have either eyes or a pulse, you’ve probably realized that running a salon is expensive, like EXPENSIVE expensive. When I posted on Instagram about spending $650k on the buildout for my salon’s second location, people were SHOCKED🥸

There's a massive gap in the financial education of salon owners. I see it allll the time during strategy sessions, business assessments, and day to day convos with other salon owners - we don’t know our numbers, and it’s hurting our industry TONS🫣

When dealing with massive influxes of cash (and expenses💸) it can get beyoooond overwhelming managing all the adding and subtracting, and I’ve seen stunning salons with incredibly talented stylists go under, simply because the salon owner didn’t have her financial sh*t together.

Rather than letting you undermine a career’s worth of hard work, I’m here to help with a few financial tips & tricks that have helped me take my salon from a teeensy little neon studio to multiple spacious, dreamy locations. I'm here to look out for allll the little expenses (like the ones listed below) so you don't have to struggle the way I did!🫶

First off, it’s time to stop being scared of your finances, and own them like the boss you are. You can accomplish this soooo many ways, whether it’s by hiring a CPA, getting into the nitty gritty of your finances with a budget sheet (click to use my template😇), diving into your salon’s performance reporting, or simply checking your bank account every day. Exposure therapy WORKS, especially in a financial sense. Stop! Being! Scared! Of! Your! Money!

Second, finding ways to accurately track your operating expenses will be an absolute LIFESAVER. Something that I’ve implemented in my salons (and never looked back) is tracking the actual cost behind every service by using SalonScale! Feel free to use code RACHEL10 for 10% off - I'm reeeeal close with these guys!🥰 This tool helps me stay on top of every single penny spent to deliver each service, and enables me to charge accordingly! No more paying out of pocket for extra product - that should fall on the client.

Third, expanding your perspective is a MUST. Looking at your financial situation only through the lens of what you’ve known and experienced will never give you the full picture on how to safely scale your salon - you've got a blind spot, guaranteed! Whether it’s a trusted friend who’s further along in their career, a full scale mentorship with yours truly, or a digital course, I PROMISE that expanding your financial horizons will pay you back tenfold in perspective and understanding of how to take your business to the next level🚀

Speaking of, financial strategy, including both budgeting and looking forward are the main facets of Summer School, and the doors close Sunday night!


P.S. If this still isn’t within your budget, I understand, I’ve been there, feel free to enroll in one of the Suite Life financial courses! They don't include any mentorship options but are perfect for those just starting out!

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