Mindset Necessities: Three Ways to Keep Your Sanity

Jun 15, 2023

Today’s the 15th, which means we’re officially three months away from the Babes in Biz Mastermind! There’s no way I could tell you how excited I am, but I can tell you that WHEW I’ll be ready for that escape to Scottsdale.πŸ˜…

Owning multiple salons and taking on a full time coaching schedule keeps me pretty busy, but doing it all while my kids aren’t in school is quite a bit to juggle…. I know all moms are feeling that pretty intense right now.

Put the pressure of the annual summer service slow down (all salons experience it every year babe, don’t worry) on top of all that, and you’ve got the perfect storm for being spread too thin when it comes to both your time and your mental space.πŸ™ƒ

Sooo for all the fellow salon owner / mom / leader / hairstylist / house manager / creative director / bookkeeper hybrids out there, here are 3 things you NEED to incorporate into your routine to put you in the best place to scale your business (and keep your sanity)

I put this one first for a reason… If you don’t have an outlet, alllll that is just gonna build up and blur your focus on what’s really important. I’ve recently taken up jiu jitsu, and I LOOOOVE it. When I’m grappling, everything else disappears, and the tension from holding everything up at the same time melts away. Jiu Jitsu is what’s working for me right now, but it can look like anything for you, from weightlifting to walking to scheduled weekly time with friends. You’ve EARNED that outletπŸ’–

If your family is anything like mine, I'm betting the most realistic way to get this in your schedule is going to be in the morning. I know, I know, nobody wants to get up earlier, but the peace you’ll develop from filling your cup before being subject to the dozens of people you’re responsible for that day will make you glad you did, every time. I couldn’t go back even if I tried.

Listen, I get it. Every little thing piling up can feel like the weight of the world on your shoulders, but in the grand scheme of things, stylists are going to leave, appliances are gonna have issues, and there will be unprecedented expenses, but that has nothing to do with your end goal and your dream. The next time you’re stressing over the fine print, take a second to validate your feelings, cause this sh*t is definitely hard, but also remind yourself that in the grand scheme of things, you’re still gonna make it, and this is a temporary problem with a solution.

This isn’t an official fourth item, but when you’re ready to upgrade the way you approach salon ownership + refocus on building the absolute best business possible, I happen to know the exact place to do it, and we have a few more spots open (but not for long).

We're actually 75% sold out as of right now, so if you've been holding off, make sure to grab your spot before they're gone!

Have a great rest of your week babe! Make sure to keep your cup full first!


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