Miilionaire Mindset Day One

millionaire mindset challenge Jan 18, 2023

Hey babe!!!

I’m baaaaack for the very FIRST day of the millionaire mindset challenge! I know you’re busy, so let’s skip the small talk and get right to it.


Owning a salon is HARD, long, overwhelming work, and a lot of the time can be a pretty thankless job.


You will be waiting FOREVER to find a time where you’re not busy unless you MAKE TIME for the things and people that are important to you.

Pulling 10-14 hour days behind the chair totally helped you get to where you are now, but as an owner, those days have to come to an end.๐Ÿ™ƒ

Your energy is not a limitless resource. After those grueling days behind the chair (while making sure everything else is running smoothly of course), your body hurts, your brain is absolute mush, and you’re probably not good for much by the time you get home. This when combined with common hairstylist habits, like sustaining yourself on iced coffee and skipping out on your lunch break will only lead to one thing… You guessed it, BURNOUT!!!

So now, for the person who’s constantly thinking of the big picture and prioritizing others over yourself, it’s time to pour back into your own cup for once.๐Ÿซถ


If you don’t accomplish literally anything else today, you need to do this: set aside a specific time within the next week for the break we both know you desperately need, in the form that’s most effective for you.

For me, this could look like any of the following:

  • A massage
  • An unplugged walk in the park with my favorite coffee
  • Dinner and drinks with my best friend
  • A full day off
  • Or even just a scheduled nap

Whatever it is, SCHEDULE THAT SH*T!!! And schedule it TODAY, while it’s fresh on your mind!

You have more than earned this, and you owe it to yourself (and the people around you) to be rested enough to show up as your best self.

Feel free to dm or spread some love to encourage others to do the same on IG when you’re done taking that break! I’ll be watching & can't wait to see you prioritizing yourself๐Ÿ’–

Before I leave you to it, here’s one last reminder: you DESERVE to be happy. You DESERVE relaxation. You DESERVE to make the income of your dreams while maintaining your mental health.

But all of that is up to you.

Schedule that break babe! I’ll be back for Day 2 of the challenge tomorrow!

xoxo, Rachel Paige

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