Millionaire Mindset Day Four

millionaire mindset challenge Jan 21, 2023

Gooood morning babe!

Hope you slept GREAT last night after venting out all your stressors!

We’ll start out today with a simple question, and I need you to answer honestly, and not take offense.

How’s your time management babe?🫣

If you’re anything like I used to be, nervous laughter is probably the response. Or maybe that question made you even more stressed, in which case I’m sorryyyy BUT I am here to help!

The number one thing that has saved my mental peace over the course of running a salon, while opening more, and coaching tonsss of gorgeous girls like yourself to expand their business this simple trick:


Routines can take a LONG time to establish, and it’s important to do it in a way that works for you, so today’s challenge will start with a very simple aspect, but even one adjustment can cause MASSIVE change in your life.

First, let’s think about your mornings. For me, this is by far the most important part… The time I set myself up for a successful, smooth, and happy day.😇

Now, being reeeeally honest with yourself here, what things are adding stress to your mornings? For me, it’s typically if I feel rushed, or if I don’t get a good breakfast in, or if I’m feeling pulled in too many directions at once. And one of the root causes for alllll those issues in the past has been… you guessed it. My phone.

Social media in the morning is SO tempting, I mean before Instagram people used to read the paper with their coffee right...?

Seeing hundreds of people’s opinions and outfits and nights out before you even take a second to think about what YOU want out of your day isn’t just overwhelming… It’s incredibly damaging.

I challenge you to not open social media until you’re COMPLETELY ready for the day tomorrow. AND THERE’S MORE…😎

Now, let’s think of one thing that can be added to your morning to make it go better. Maybe it’s a balanced breakfast, a 10 minute stretch, meditation, or a walk around the block.

Realistically, how much time would that ONE act of relaxation take? 👀

Brace yourself…. I’m going to ask you to wake up a little bit earlier tomorrow, but only as much time as you need to add that act of love for yourself. The peace you feel from starting your day in the right headspace will make up for the few minutes of beauty sleep you miss, I promise. 

To recap, I’m challenging you to a social media free morning with just one small act of self love incorporated… Small price to pay for a good day right?

I can’t WAIT to hear how you feel after a mindful morning. As always, feel free to dmor tag me in a story - I’m reeeeally looking forward to seeing how this can change your life the way it’s changed mine!🫶

Talk to you then!

xoxo, Rachel Paige

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