I'm here when you're ready

millionaire mindset challenge Jan 23, 2023

Hiiii babe,

You thought I was done with you after those five days, huh? WRONG!


I saw that you’ve been LOVING this challenge, which is why I wanted to pop in again and let you in on a secret… This challenge was just a tiiiiiny bit of the mental health resources I have to offer you, like this didn’t even scrape the surface.

And it doesn’t stop with improving your mental health - I have resources that I’m literally DYING to give you for optimizing your salon’s earnings - making LOTS more $$$ with less work, stress, and struggle.

If you’re looking for help in any of the below areas, I GOT YOU BABE.


And no, I’m not kidding, I’m not playing, literally the furthest you can get from it.

I created Salon Owner University for someone like YOU, an exhausted entrepreneur (like I used to be), blossom in the areas you’ve been struggling the most in, and scale your salon to a SEVEN FIGURE EMPIRE.🤑

Again, not kidding. I dumped every single structure, rule, and strategy I’ve used to get my salons to the level they are today into the ULTIMATE resource for success in this industry.

I know it may seem counterintuitive to share my secrets, but frankly, there’s more than enough hair in the world to go around, and I can’t do all of it (as much as I would like to)! When salon owners win, our stylists win, and our clients win, the whole industry wins  - THERE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH SUCCESS FOR EVERYONE.👯‍♀️

If you’re interested in leveling up (who isn’t?) I've actually made an interactive quiz to match you with the right resources for elevating your salon to reach its full potential, accessible to where you are right nowHere’s the link!


If you’re not ready for that quiiiite yet but still interested, please dm me! I’m happy to answer your questions, and point you in the right direction of the right resources for you and your business!

I’m here to help ALWAYS babe, never forget that!🤞

See you very soon!

xoxo, Rachel Paige

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