Preparing yourself for effective goal setting
Dec 20, 2022Hiiii!!
Welcome to the most insane, busiest, cancellation-ridden time of year. How are you holding up?!🙃
Even if your hair is on day 6 with no wash, you’re exhausted beyond belief, and struggling to turn on your holiday cheer, making it this far is something to be proud af of, so go ahead and give yourself a big pat on the back!
I popped in to remind you that it is deeeefinitely time to figure out your end of year numbers for your salon and set achievable goals for next year. One of the hardest things about being a business owner is that it’s SO easy to feel overwhelmed by the weight of achieving you & your salon’s full potential, especially considering the work required to get there.🥲
The very first step to bridging the gap between where you are how and where you want to be starts with finding the answers to some crucial questions, including
If you haven’t had the mental space to take this deep of a dive, DON’T WORRY!🫶
I have a little treat coming up for you next week, geared to help you dream big for 2023, set the structures to achieve your goals, and launch you into your dream business & life.
It is possible!!! I did it, and I’m here to show you how.
Keep your eyes peeled! I’ll see you next week.✨
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