The Elephant in the Room

Nov 16, 2022

I’m here to talk about something pretty much allllll of us hate talking about - money. The nitty gritty, the bottom line, cash flow, whatever you wanna call it.

Investing in education (especially if your salon is already struggling) is TERRIFYING.

Don’t worry though - I know it’s not personal. As a business owner, it’s important to be cautious about all investments, of both your finances and time, and I 100% respect that.🫶

If you’re needing a little reassurance though, I’m more than happy to provide it! I know how scary, lonely, and directionless salon ownership can feel, and the last thing I want is you missing out on growth because I didn’t give you the right info.

Enough talking, let’s get right to it.🤑

Finances are stressful - giiiiirl I get it. My $300 weeks were not that long ago - I actually can feel a little bit of panic thinking about them now, so I really do get it. None of this came easy to me.

With all the coaching I’ve invested in myself, I’ve seen how pushy and insensitive coaches can come across, especially since struggling/wanting more financially is the main reason we seek help.

That’s exactly why my main focus is finding avenues for additional income in your salon, plus expanding the existing ones. I know you love your career, but at the end of the day, when we’re honest with ourselves, we’re here for the money, and that’s not lost on me. I REALLY want to give everyone a financial leg up, which is why I occasionally host free financial coaching webinars, and why I’ve made money literacy a key focus of Babes in Business.

You DESERVE to be making money for salon ownership - this is hard ass work!!!🥵

I’m here for you when you’re ready to claim the income we both know you’re capable of, with a gentle nudge in the right direction. 

Find your growth plan match, and we’ll be right on our way.

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