What to Expect when You're Expecting... A Strategy Sesh

Nov 28, 2022

Don't worry babe... Booking the session is the hardest part.

Our strategy sessions are meant to be minimal pressure, with the entire focus on getting you the growth you want, and ASAP. We've made this process as simple as possible, with a few steps - easy as 1, 2, 3!✨

1. Book the strategy sesh!

2. Follow the directions on the confirmation page! Here's a quick overview in case you're curious:

  • Prep a list of your current goals, dreams, and struggles
  • If you don't know them already, figure out your numbers for current and target profit and revenue
  • Click through the Q&A to make sure you're not missing any info

3. Get ready to fall in love with salon ownership again!

We're SO excited to get to know you and your salon better! The salon you've been dreaming of is just a few clicks away🥰



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