You. Deserve. A. Break.
Nov 16, 2022If you’ve been considering salon education and thinking, “WHEN am I going to have the time for all that?!”, this is for you…
Take a biiiiig deep breath, unclench that jaw, and relax your shoulders.
It’s completely valid to be overwhelmed. Being a salon owner is a HUGE undertaking, and without the proper organization in place, it’s really easy for everything on your plate to spiral into one big never-ending clusterf*ck.
That’s exactly what I’m here for though. I’m here to help build a schedule that allows you to lean more into the aspects of your career that you LOVE, and scale back the time spent on busy work. You’ll shine when you’re immersed in the areas you excel, and it is possible for you to get there. I’ve done it, and I’ll show you how.π
I’ve transformed my life, from busting my ass seven days a week and barely seeing my kids, to only working in-salon behind the chair two days a week (while keeping six figures in stylist incomeπ), and spending time with my babies every day, and actually getting to see them grow for the first time in my life.
You only get one chance at this life, and it took me WAY too long with my head buried in my career to realize it. I really want to help you, and I have all the tools prepped and ready to go… We just need to figure out the right path for you first.
Let’s get you the life you deserve babe. It’s right around the corner. Let's start HERE.
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